Spring Cleanse and Thirst Juice Co.
A couple of weeks ago I had the chance to go check out Thirst Juice Co. a juice shop located right in Downtown Crossing in Boston.
You all know how much I love green juices, and since moving from San Diego to Boston, I was starting to lose hope in what the green living scene here was.
I must say, the transition between California and Massachusetts has been tough. I moved in the dead of winter, and pretty much hibernated for three months.
I didn’t venture out, I stayed indoors, ate terribly, didn’t move my body, and treated myself so poorly. I remember when I lived in Philly I would get SAD, but never to this extent.
The shock of the move really affected my body and as soon as the large piles of snow melted, the rain had dissipated and the sun decided to peak through – I was out.
I moved to a lovely neighborhood in Boston called Jamaica Plain, where I’m a minute’s walk to a yoga studio, plenty of cafes to write in, and an organic grocery store that has kombucha on tap. No joke.
I found out about Thirst Juice Co. from a friend of mine and knew I wanted to learn more about it. They have amazing juices like the BuddahBeet, Field of Greens, and Kale-idoscope.
Not only do they have great names, but these made-to-order juices are super fresh and ultra good for you.
Most juices contain several POUNDS of fruits and vegetables, so even if the rest of your day is crap, you at least know you got an abundance of greens in your system doing their magic.

What I love most about Thirst (aside from their friendly and knowledgable staff, beautiful and understated decor) are their Açaí bowls. If you have no idea what that is – I feel you.
Let me explain:
Açaí (pronounced ah-sigh-EE) is a berry native to Brazil. It’s rich in antioxidants, heart-healthy fats, and fiber.
Açaí berries grow in clusters on tall palm trees native to the Amazon rainforest, and ancient Amazonian tribes would use these berries both medicinally and as food.
Açaí berries have twice as many antioxidants as blueberries and also contain a broad range of vitamins and minerals and a naturally low sugar content.
Açaí bowls were all the rage in Encinitas (go figure) but I never actually ordered an Açaí bowl while living there.
At Thirst, I ordered the Coconut Açaí bowl, and let me tell you, it was DELICIOUS. Go there now, tell them I sent you, and order that thing. It’s a game-changer.

Co-owners Chris and Heather started Thirst Juice Co. after careers working as corporate lawyers, feeling burnt out and wanting to try something new.
While there may be a juice bar at every corner in Manhattan, Boston has been slow in keeping up with the trend, with only a handful of juice bars in the city.
Heather and Chris are both multiple-time marathon runners (18 between them!) and want to spread the message on good clean eating.
I spoke to Heather about the fad of juice cleanses, mostly because I really want to try a juice cleanse myself. However, most people don’t realize that juice cleansing is more of a fast.
And fasting should only be done if there is something seriously wrong with your system that you need a complete re-start. Not something you need to do once a month.

I also had the chance to take a wheatgrass shot (and chase it with orange) which was delicious.
Wheatgrass is rich in chlorophyll which is super detoxifying and rids your body of free radicals. It’s a great source of natural energy, and one ounce of wheatgrass has some of the same micronutrients as five POUNDS of spinach.
Wheatgrass is best taken in the morning on an empty stomach, but I think if you’ve never tried wheatgrass, give it a go anytime.
There you have it, folks, I’ll be sharing one of Thirst’s Green Smoothie recipes later this week.
If you’re in Boston, go check out Thirst Juice Co. and tell them Local Belle sent you! Have a beautiful day, people!