Experts in Food and Drink – 7 Reasons to Shop With Your Local Wine Merchants

Today we have a guest post from Lisa over at Wine Telegraph to give us an education about wine. Hope you enjoy it!

The role of wine merchants is rarely confined just to providing an avenue for the purchase and consumption of wine.

Modern wine merchants are about enabling the whole experience – from widening choice in wine buying to finding the foods and equipment that make the experience of enjoying fine eating and drinking completely.

There are plenty of reasons to shop with a local wine merchant – here are seven of the best.

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Guest Post: Best Mexican Food in LA

Today’s guest post I’ll admit is long overdue- Virginia emailed me this summer about sharing the best spots in LA, and I’m so happy to finally share this post.

While I’m not living in LA anymore, these Mexican spots might be worth the drive! To be fair, I should probably write the best Mexican spots in San Diego too! Take it away, Virginia.

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Tzfat Recap

As mentioned earlier this week, I had a ridiculously wonderful time exploring the ancient city of Tzfat and northern Israel.

Below is a picture diary, and a glimpse into my week in the mystical Tzfat.


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California Road Trip

It’s good to be back on the blog today! In a week I’ll be moving across the country from sunny San Diego to the front of Boston.

I’m really excited to make the move, but I’ll admit it’s definitely bittersweet. I’ve had a beautiful community of genuine, interesting, and motivated people for the past 15 months.

Weekly potlucks, a shared community garden, interesting events and lectures, and the freedom to create meaningful work and projects. I’ll definitely miss it.

As I say goodbye to California (for now) I decided the proper way to celebrate would be a road trip up the Pacific Coast Highway.

Here are some of the photos from our stops along the way- enjoy!

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Spring Cleanse and Thirst Juice Co.

A couple of weeks ago I had the chance to go check out Thirst Juice Co. a juice shop located right in Downtown Crossing in Boston.

You all know how much I love green juices, and since moving from San Diego to Boston, I was starting to lose hope in what the green living scene here was.

I must say, the transition between California and Massachusetts has been tough. I moved in the dead of winter, and pretty much hibernated for three months.

I didn’t venture out, I stayed indoors, ate terribly, didn’t move my body, and treated myself so poorly. I remember when I lived in Philly I would get SAD, but never to this extent.

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Local Love: Leucadia Succulents

Local, Lofty, Leucadia. Lovely. I happened upon the gem of Leucadia Succulents from non-other than a Groupon deal. $30 worth of succulents for $15. Sold.

What I found was a magical place: succulents of all shapes and sizes, colors, and personalities.

I can’t say much about this, except that I went wild in this place. I mean, who wouldn’t?

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5 Ways to Eat Locally and Healthfully

Today we have an awesome guest post from Shelly Stinson, about five easy ways to eat more healthfully and locally – my two favorite things!

Check it out and let us know in the comments what you would add to this list! xo, belle

The benefits of eating healthy, nutritious foods include having an easier time controlling your weight, experiencing better moods, developing fewer diseases and illnesses, enjoying more energy, and living a longer life.

And while you can find these types of good-for-you foods in a variety of different places, some of the best options you can choose are available locally.

This is good news since a few different institutes, such as Michigan State University in the U.S., contend that eating local foods means that you not only get more flavor, but you also get more nutrients because “local food has a shorter time between harvest and your table.

This allows it to keep more of its healthier qualities, providing you with the most vitamins and minerals possible.

Based on this, here are five different ways that you can eat healthily and locally:

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